Southern Arizona Woodturners Association
The President is:
- the chief executive officer of the Chapter and
- the Chairman of the Board of Directors,
The Presidents authorities include:
- the authority to enter into and sign contracts in the name of the Chapter whenever such contracts are authorized by the
Board of Directors,
- the authority to make committee appointments,
- the authority to make deposits and withdrawals of the Chapter's funds for Chapter purposes
The Presidents duties include:
- chairing the monthly meetings,
- determine a president's choice item in advance of each meeting
- chairing all Board of Director meetings,
- hold a Board of Directors meeting if he or she deems necessary,
- appoint a membership chairman
- develop a budget to bring to the Board of Directors,
Election of officers and members at large
- hold a meeting of the Board of Directors within 30 days of the annual election of Officers and Directors.
- October meeting
present a slate of officers to the members
accept floor nominations
- November meeting
call for a vote on the slate of officers