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2024 Christmas Party

The party is on Saturday, December 14 starting at 10:00 AM. Lunch is at noon.



Flowing Wells High School Cafeteria (see map)



Starting time is 10:00 am

Lunch will be at noon.



House made bread bowl with potato bacon chowder

Chef Salad

Stuffed Mushrooms

Bread pudding with anglasie

Holiday mocktails (cranberry compote and sprite)



$25 per ticket

Pay by cash at the party:

You can pay by cash at the party but you must let both Jim Payne and Stacy Bansback know by email prior to December 1st. This is the deadline for giving Flowing Wells a final head count.

   Stacy Bansback (

   Jim Payne (


Pay by credit card:

As a reminder, if you ordered tickets but have not payed for them you must pay at the door.



- 50/50 drawing

- Ornament auction (the December president's choice is a Christmas ornament)

- Gift exchange (to participate bring a gift wrapped hand made item)

- Door prizes


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